Find Renters in SF

High-quality renters you won’t find on Zillow

Connect with 400,000+ qualified renters in San Francisco, through our network of apartment tour video creators

How it works

Renters who view trusted creator videos are 3x more likely to convert

"I'm kind of like that friend in San Francisco who’s showing you an apartment"

We create and distribute captivating video tours to bring you renters who are 3x more likely to apply for your listings.

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We only send you highly qualified leads

Gain access to a pool of leads with disclosed job titles and salary ranges. Streamline your leasing process with pre-qualified applicants, ensuring a perfect fit for your properties.

Pricing Plan

Choose Your Best Plan



Per user, per month

AI-powered chatbot

Up to 500 interactions per month

Email support



Per user, per month

AI-powered chatbot

Up to 10,000 interactions per month

Email support

24/7 File archive



Per user, per month

AI-powered chatbot

Up to 2500 interactions per month

Chat and email support


Frequently Asked Questions

What is an AI chat app?

How does an AI chat app work?

What are the benefits of using an AI chat app?

Can I customize my AI chat app?

How do I integrate an AI chat app into my website or app?

How secure is the user data collected by the AI chat app?

Find Renters in SF

High-quality renters you won’t find on Zillow

Connect with 400,000+ qualified renters in San Francisco, through our network of apartment tour video creators

Find Renters in SF

High-quality renters you won’t find on Zillow

Connect with 400,000+ qualified renters in San Francisco, through our network of apartment tour video creators

Unique Technology

Unleash the Power of AI

Frankie is an AI-powered chatbot app that allows users to have conversations with a virtual assistant.

How it works

Renters who view trusted creator videos are 3x more likely to convert

"I'm kind of like that friend in San Francisco who’s showing you an apartment"

"I'm kind of like that friend in San Francisco who’s showing you an apartment"

We create and distribute captivating video tours to bring you renters who are 3x more likely to apply for your listings.

We only send you highly qualified leads

We only send you highly qualified leads

Gain access to a pool of leads with disclosed job titles and salary ranges. Streamline your leasing process with pre-qualified applicants, ensuring a perfect fit for your properties.

Build Real Estate listings for the future

Muro Media is a media company that leverages short form content to get qualified renters living in your units!

Muro Media is a media company that leverages short form content to get qualified renters living in your units!

Muro Media is a media company that leverages short form content to get qualified renters living in your units!

Muro Media is a media company that leverages short form content to get qualified renters living in your units!

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